Every painting starts with a drive through the countryside. Once I have found a scene that is amazing to me, I sketch on site and take pictures so that I can work from them at home.

My inspiration to paint comes from childhood memories of mountains, and beautiful scenery I encountered through my travels and living experiences in Europe.

Capturing sceneries in a painting takes me back to that time, and especially when I was on a long trip from the north of Italy to deep down south and through France to Spain. I observed how the landscapes drastically changed from flat scenes of farmland and vineyards to snowy peaked mountain tops scattered with large cacti. I also remember the local women who were dressed in sarongs, and walked bare foot on the dusty roadside, carrying baskets of fruit on their heads.

As we left Italy behind and entered into Provence, I particularly remembered a pretty tree lined road coming into view with breath-taking colour rich lavender fields flanked by fields of wild flowers. Hypnotised by the spectacular sight, I had the strong urge to break free from the hot stuffy car and run through the vast spaces without inhibition.

Those memories are forever etched in my mind and this is the basis of why I make art today.
Since that time and during my teens I drew and painted anything and everything including a mural on my bedroom wall! Later on a work colleague, who had seen some of my work, bought me my first set of Windsor and Newton art materials and advised me to “do something with it”. Those words of encouragement enabled me to undertake commissions, and this success gave me the impetus to study for an art degree.

Following my graduation I lived on in Surrey to try and find my niche. After two years I was still searching, and for practical reasons I returned to Berkshire. Eventually my golden opportunity presented itself whilst I was at work.

I started developing my portfolio at the weekends only due to the dark winter evenings. As they got lighter I painted every day after work and as the months rolled on my portfolio grew substantially and I launched my business in June 2013 which continues to grow.

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